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Contact Us

President - Mia Huovilainen
070-821 31 17

Vice President - Axel Simonsson
070-821 31 19


LUS Presidium consists of two full-time students who take a break from their studies to work full-time for LUS. LUS President and Vice President lead LUS operations and represent the students before the management of Lund University. The Presidium is also part of LUS Board.

The Presidium's duties include convening and chairing meetings with the Board, the Ting and Ordförandekollegiet, managing the day-to-day operations of LUS office and being responsible for LUS contact with Akademiska Föreningen, Kuratorskollegiet, and Studentlund. The Presidium also attends the meetings of various educational and student policy bodies at the University and the municipality, where their mission is to represent the views of the student unions, provide a student perspective, and actively pursue the issues that are important to the students. Furthermore, the Presidium represents the students of Lund University at ceremonial events at the University and in regional, national and international contexts.

Budgeten 2024/2025

Nedanför visas den fastställda budgeten för verksamhetsåret 2024/2025, fastställd av Tinget på Ting 8 den 22:e maj 2024. Bläddra genom de olika kostnadställena genom att klicka på flikerna längst nere i fönstret. För varje kostnadställe finns en flik med budgeten och en flik med noter.

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